15.07.2016. BiH Schnauzer Pinscher Club Specialty Show 2016, judge Birgit Bischoff, Germany
Miniature Schnauzer black & silver
House Kazak Prince - puppy class 6-9 months - Very Promising 1 , Puppy BOB , Puppy Club Winner 2016 , Puppy BIS
Recognition's United Action - open class- V1 , CAC, BOB, Club Winner 2016 , BIS3
Giant Schnauzer Black
ANA ( Klingon z Tartaku & Tia ) - junior class - V1, J.CAC , Best Junior, Junior Club Winner 2016, Junior R.BIS
15.07.2016. CAC Sarajevo 2016, judge Nemanja Jovanovic, Serbia
Miniature Schnauzer black & silver
House Kazak Prince - puppy class 6-9 months - Very Promising 1 , Puppy BOB , Puppy BIS ( BIS judge Tatjana Bilbija-Lalicevic )
Recognition's United Action - open class- V1 , CAC, BOB
Giant Schnauzer Black
ANA ( Klingon z Tartaku & Tia ) - junior class - V1, J.CAC , Best Junior, BOB
16.07.2016. CACIB Sarajevo 2016, judge Boris Spoljaric , Croatia
Miniature Schnauzer black & silver
House Kazak Prince - puppy class 6-9 months - Very Promising 1 , Puppy BOB , Puppy BIS
Recognition's United Action - open class- V1 , CAC, Best Male, CACIB
Giant Schnauzer Black
ANA ( Klingon z Tartaku & Tia ) - junior class - V1, J.CAC , Best Junior
izložba se održala na jakoj kiši , ali naši mladi psi su bili ponosni u ringu kao da je najlepše vreme
Exhibition is held at the heavy rain, but our young dogs were proud in the ring as if it were the most wonderful time

Recognition's United Action - open class- V1 , CAC, BOB, Club Winner 2016 , BIS3

Recognition's United Action - open class- V1 , CAC, BOB, Club Winner 2016 , BIS3 |

ANA ( Klingon z Tartaku & Tia ) - junior class - V1, J.CAC , Best Junior, Junior Club Winner 2016, Junior R.BIS |

ANA ( Klingon z Tartaku & Tia ) - junior class - V1, J.CAC , Best Junior, Junior Club Winner 2016, Junior R.BIS |

ANA ( Klingon z Tartaku & Tia ) - junior class - V1, J.CAC , Best Junior, Junior Club Winner 2016, Junior R.BIS |

House Kazak Prince - puppy class 6-9 months - Very Promising 1 , Puppy BOB , Puppy Club Winner 2016 , Puppy BIS |

House Kazak Prince - puppy class 6-9 months - Very Promising 1 , Puppy BOB , Puppy Club Winner 2016 , Puppy BIS |

House Kazak Prince - puppy class 6-9 months - Very Promising 1 , Puppy BOB , Puppy Club Winner 2016 , Puppy BIS

House Kazak Prince - puppy class 6-9 months - Very Promising 1 , Puppy BOB , Puppy Club Winner 2016 , Puppy BIS

House Kazak Prince - puppy class 6-9 months - Very Promising 1 , Puppy BOB , Puppy Club Winner 2016 , Puppy BIS |

