Miniature Schnauzers Black & Silver puppies available out of / Patuljasti šnaucer crno srebrni , štenci slobodni od roditelja :

We have puppies and we will have interesting litters in the coming months. For information and reservations email,, phone +381641890030

Imamo štence i imaćemo interesantna legla u narednim mesecima. Za informacije i rezervacije na email , , tel. 0641890030

miniature schnauzer patuljasti snaucer

We are not a ''puppy factory'', and all our dogs are, most of all, our pets who live in family apartments or houses as equal family members. All our puppies are born and live in houses where they already acquire primary upbringing.  Our puppies are for the people and families who think alike.

Due to a bad experience with a breeder from Alpharetta, Georgia, and few peoples like last one called Marina Ovsec and Gaja Gasparic from Slovenia, we require a deposit for puppy reservation, particularly for the puppies who need export documentation and export pedigree.

Mi nismo ''fabrika'' štenaca , naši psi su prvenstveno kućni ljubimci i žive u stanovima i kućama naše porodice zauzimajuci mesta ravnopravnih članova porodice . Svi naši štenci se radjaju i žive u kući gde se vec uče osnovnom kućnom vaspitanju. 

Zbog lošeg iskustva sa odgajivačem iz Alpharetta, Georgia i par ljudi kao što je zadnje iskustvo sa Marinom Ovsec i Gajom Gašparić iz Slovenije za rezervaciju šteneta neophodan je depozit, ovo naročito važi za štence kojima je neophodna eksportna dokumentacija i eksportni pedigree .

House Kazak miniature schnauzer patuljasti snaucer

Patuljasti šnaucer

Patuljasti šnaucer Miniature Schnauzer

miniature schnauzer patuljasti snaucer
